Forum Rules | User Rules:
1. Posting our cheat on other forums, to your friends, to people = BAN HAMMER, HWID BAN!
2. Leaking website source code & cheat = BAN HAMMER, HWID BAN!
3. Hacking, stealing, double accounts with buyed cheat = IP BAN, HWID BAN!
4. Using VPN when buying cheat, using VPN to bypass ban system = IP BAN, HWID BAN!
5. Selling our cheat = IP BAN, HWID BAN!
Forum Rules | Moderator Rules:
1. Banning people just because you didn't like them, they didn't break the rules = IP BAN, HWID BAN! (Also im unbanning person you banned for nothing.)
2. Selling or giving your account on other forums, to your friends, to people = BAN HAMMER, HWID BAN!
3. Server destruction = IP BAN, HWID BAN!
4. Not banning people if they break the rules just because, they your friends or you just don't wanna ban this person. = BAN HAMMER! (You lost access to the cheat & you lost your Moderator privilege, but you can still create a new account, then buy the cheat again & play CS:GO with this cheat)
5. Hacking, stealing, double accounts with moderator privilege & buyed cheat = IP BAN, HWID BAN!
Thank you for reading this. I hope you didn't break any of those rules!